Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tender Mercies

When I was in Springfield MO this last weekend, I got to spend extra time, because the clutch on the semi decided that it was not going to work anymore. So after spending 2 full days at the shop, and enough to buy a used car, or a generator, or ..... well you get the idea, I finally get back on the road. Simple enough, go to Laredo, TX, pick up a trailer headed for home, stop at Jacob's to help bleed the brakes on his car, and then head home.

The drive home is uneventful, until I start down Soldier Summit on Highway 6 between Price and Spanish Fork. I start to hear a little bit of noise in the drive train. Not too bad, keep on driving. Go up and down Sweetzer in Idaho, then the next mountain is up and over the Blues in Oregon. Now there is a lot of noise when on flat ground and just idling along. Into Washington, take the truck up and over White Pass. Winding, narrow, and not a place to break down. Made it home, and parked the truck for the weekend. So on Monday, I figure it's time to crawl under the truck and see where the noise is coming from.

The support bracket for the drive shaft was barely hanging on. It only takes 2 bolts, one was completely loose, the other was only hanging on by about 3 threads. I didn't know whether to be hopping mad because the mechanic didn't tighten the bolts, or happy because it was an easy fix.

Then I was very aware of how close this was to being a catastrophic accident. Several years ago I was talking to a driver who saw a truck wreck when the drive shaft came loose. It took out his airlines, and he had no brakes coming down a mountain. The driver of that truck didn't survive. That could easily have happened to me.

I remember hearing in General Conference about the Tender Mercies of the Lord. That is the overwhelming reaction that I have today. Definitely a time for reflection, and gratitude.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My head hurts.....again

I pop up the news when I am waiting to get the truck unloaded, and the headlines are "Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize". Even though I qualify to join AARP (NEVER GONNA HAPPEN), I do realize that I remember when being awarded a Nobel Prize was something that really mattered. It signified a momentous achievement.

Awarding the Peace Prize to President Obama is the equivalent of the home run records of Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro, Sammy Sosa, David Ortiz,.....need I go on? It doesn't mean anything, because it is tainted. In the case of baseball, steroids. In the case of the Peace Prize, political correctness, and progressive idealism (fancy name for socialism) have embraced Obama as the poster child for changing the world.

If making apologies for everything that ever happened is considered peace prize worthy, then every teenager going through puberty should be set for life.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another hi jacking

I am driving down the road, listening to the news, trying to stay in touch with what is going on in the world. I hear that Homeland Security has taken away the authority of Sheriff Joe Arpayo in AZ to detain and arrest illegal aliens. What the heck is going on? He is enforcing the law as it is written. I thought that the only way a law could be reversed was either through the legislative process or if the law was ruled unconstitutional. This is absolutely crazy.

The only way that I can interpret this is that Janet Napolitano is making him pay for his maverick attitude when she was the governor of Arizona. If this is indeed the case, then it needs to be addressed. Of course, this would mean that someone in the administration would have to show some character and be a leader. I don't see that happening....if there is one thing we can see from this administration, character is not a high priority.

I hope that people have a long memory. The elections of November 2010 will be the test.

Chicken Run

I can't let this just be a family memory. RaeLynn and I go out to buy stuff for the house, Emily stays at the house with her kiddos that are too young for school. So while we are out, she calls us and says that our roosters are evil.....

Some background. We live out in the country, on a couple of acres. RaeLynn has 13 chickens. They were all supposed to be hens, but obviously chickens aren't as easy to tell when they are little. Good thing that we don't have that problem with our own babies. So we ended up with 2 roosters. They are also free range chickens, with a coop they go into for the night.

Emily goes outside to take her puppy out for a "nature" call, and the roosters are territorial as can be. They get aggressive with her, she starts to run, they attack, she falls, gets bruises, scraped knees, grass stains, and a severely bruised ego.

So of course she goes to Facebook to rant. Bad decision. Her brother reads her post. They are both adults, but even though it has been 15 years since they lived in the house together, he cannot pass up the opportunity to tease her for all it is worth. You have to look at my Facebook page, it is priceless.

Don't know what the final outcome will be, there is the possibility that there may be a fresh chicken dinner on the menu in the future. Bon Appetit!!!!