Sunday, September 13, 2009


Spent most of yesterday dodging traffic. Depending on the location, it was either Virginia Tech fans (what exactly is a Hokie?), or University of Tennessee fans. Both had home games, and the traffic volume was extra heavy for both. I imagine that it is the same way for most college towns. Mental note, avoid college towns on game day.

I am sure that others don't understand my casual interest in football anymore than I understand the rabid passion that they display. I would rather read a book. Interestingly, I enjoy books about sports. I guess it is more about reading the history of things than being excited about the emotion of the moment.

The emotion of the moment is much better when thinking about being around family and friends. Focusing on relationships just seems much more satisfying than focusing on an event. My opinion, but it even goes back to when I was in the Navy. I remember the people much more than the events.

I suppose that is why I am excited about having Emily and the grandchildren come up to our house while Gary is overseas on deployment. I realize that our house will be much louder, will have more messes to clean up, and it will take us much longer to get out of the house on our way to wherever we are headed for that excursion. It also will have the added perspective of children telling me "the most important thing ever", and reading stories, and fishing, and playing catch.

I think that there will be a shock for them living with 2 old people too. We don't watch very much TV, couldn't tell you when the latest popular show comes on, and in reality can't even tell you what they are. Pretty bland life compared to what the world seems to think is important.

To piggy-back off my last post: It was quite the transition of seeing all of the flags in New England on 9/11 to seeing cars decorated with symbols for a favorite football team. I sure wish that the attention span of my fellow citizens wasn't so fleeting and temporary.

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